Community Event

RUG::B Meetup

The Ruby Usergroup Berlin is a usergroup, group of interest or just a bunch of people loving Ruby. Get in contact with us at our next meetup! Newbees are always welcome.

7 January 2021
19:00 CET
Duration: 2 hours
Community Event

The Ruby Usergroup Berlin is a usergroup, group of interest or just a bunch of people loving Ruby. Get in contact with us at our next meetup! Newbees are always welcome.


Main talk - Maciej Mensfeld (mensfeld)

No bio, just code.

OSS supply chain security for Ruby

Ruby gems aren't fundamentally safe. Several gems were infected last year, and constant attempts are being made to do the same with others. It's not only the execution that is a problem but the installation process as well.

Are there any ways for OSS users to regain control over what is being executed on their machines and their servers? Are there any ways for libraries maintainers to provide higher transparency over what they ship? Come, find out and let's exploit the Ruby gems world together!

Ruby Quiz - Jan Lelis (janlelis)

Full-Range Web Developer and TRICK awarded Rubyist. I dream in Unicode.

Idiosyncratic RUG::B Ruby Quiz

Ruby Quiz is Back!

Like every year, we get a new Ruby releases as Christmas gift! In 2020, it is even a major major major release - Ruby 3.0 - what does that mean syntax-wise? What, single-line pattern assignments, just introduced with Ruby 2.7, are going to be removed again?. Let's take a closer look, together, in a fun quiz game!

Checkout the previous editions on Idiosyncratic Ruby.


7:00 - Welcome & Intro

7:10- Talk #1

7:45 - Q&A

7:50 - Talk #2

8:35 - Q&A

8:40 - Virtual Hangout with Breakout Rooms (Optional)

This event has ended
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