Europe: Contentful Community Monthly Hangout Feb'21
We’re excited to share with you a new monthly event format we’re working on to get our Contentful Community together again. We can come together, have fun and talk about software development and Contentful-related topics.
We’re excited to share with you a new monthly event format we’re working on to get our Contentful Community together again. We can come together, have fun and talk about software development and Contentful-related topics.
The event will take place on YouTube and in our Slack community. To engage with the community make sure to sign up in Slack. You can ask questions, chat with other community members and even join the program if you want to!
Here's the plan!
"The ch-ch-changelog" with the DevRel teamÂ
Are you wondering about new functionality in the web app or looking for GraphQL API updates? Fear not, our Developer Relations team will walk you through recent feature releases!
"Let me show you"
Share and teach the community a tech-related topic. Did you rebuild your company website and made it much faster? We can’t wait to hear about it. Are you excited about the Jamstack? Let us know! Are you running your IOT devices with Contentful? We’d love to hear from you!
Rich Higgins - A JAMstack for the Readability Guidelines project
Rich is a freelance web developer based in Manchester, UK. He has spent the past few years specialising in decoupled and JAMstack architectures for clients including Co-op Digital, University of Bristol, Valtech North America and Content Design London.
Rich will walk us through the Readability Guidelines website which launched December 2019 and runs a core stack of GatsbyJS, Contentful and Algolia.
"I built this"
Share your screen and show us what you built!
Martin Schön - Custom field for recipe ingredients in Contentful
Web Developer with a background in news publishing. Currently working on for SPIEGEL Tech Lab in Hamburg. Former Editorial Staff Member at Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich, and Product Manager at ZEIT ONLINE, Berlin. Areas of interest: UX Design, Web Performance, History, Boardgames, Black Metal and Birds.
Inspired by Contentful's Stefan and David live-coding a custom field on youtube, I built my own little field extension for managing a list of recipe ingredients. The ingredients are stored as references to another collection and can be managed independently.
Ante Sepic - - visualize and share your content model
Focused on JavaScript/TypeScript and all things front-end. Not a stranger to back-end either. Passionate about bootstrapping and inclusivity.
Content modeling can be scary - there is a whole science behind it. But just like other complicated things, it's easier to understand with a pretty diagram. I will talk about how got started, and my vision for the future. Learn how it can help you, and how you can help others by simply sharing.
"Ask us anything"
Ask the Developer Relations team all your questions. We'll answer them on the fly.
Join the public channel #monthly-hangout in Slack, make new friends and let's have fun!
If you’re interested in sharing a project with the rest of our community, come speak at one of our monthly hangouts. Check out our speaker form, and reach out to us if you have any questions.
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