
DXperts in Action - How On is winning the marathon of digital modernization

Recorded on
31 March 2022

Digital experts in any company, brand or team can advocate for solving digital challenges by building solutions that change the way things are done.

DXperts in Action is a peer-to-peer virtual event series built for (and by) a community of digital experts. The series shares real stories from forward-thinking brands and partners on how they used Contentful to solve their technical challenges and deliver agile and scalable digital experiences.

In 2010, running shoe retailer On set out on an ambition marathon: to change the world of running. Ten years and some change later, you can find the brand’s footwear online and in over 6500 retail stores across 50+ countries. With high-quality products that have won international design and technology awards, there’s no finish line in sight for what the brand can accomplish. 

The brand is reimagining its digital presence to take On into the future, preparing for a future-ready DTC business. As the brand’s Digital team takes stock of their platforms, systems and digital enablement strategy, they’re sharing their progress and plans with us.

Watch the talk to learn where On started, where they’re going and how the brand uses Contentful to tackle scaling, flexibility and design goals, turning athletes at all levels into loyal customers. This event features On team members Laura Mason, Digital Product Manager, and Luke Cartledge, Software Engineer.

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This event is built for digital business leads, ecommerce managers, content model designers and anyone passionate about retail. Architecture and IT project owners, product marketers and technical marketing folks are also invited.

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Laura Mason
Laura Mason
Digital Product Manager
Luke Cartledge
Luke Cartledge
Software Engineer

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