Community Event

WNB.rb 2022 Meetup

WNB.rb’s goal is to support a more diverse group of people to make significant and meaningful contributions to the Ruby world. It is a monthly meetup with technical talks where the speakers and audience members are all women and non-binary people.

29 March 2022
18:00 CEST / 12:00 PM EDT / 17:00 BST
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Community Event

WNB.rb’s goal is to support a more diverse group of people to make significant and meaningful contributions to the Ruby world. It is a monthly meetup with technical talks where the speakers and audience members are all women and non-binary people.


Let’s break thread together, an overview of concurrency in Ruby by Clara Morgeneyer

JavaScript has async and Ruby has…what exactly does Ruby have?! What is the difference between parallel, concurrent, and asynchronous execution of programs? If you have asked yourself these questions, this talk is for you!

Together, let’s dive into the world of concurrent execution of computer programs. We’ll explore the vocabulary, general concepts, and inner workings of a computer before we dive into Ruby’s specific implementations of concurrency in its various forms.

Clara Morgeneyer started a career in law, but decided solving problems in Ruby was more fun instead. She began her coding journey in a bootcamp in 2017, and then turned her new knowledge into multinational roles as a teacher, freelancer, and software engineer. She lives in Seattle, WA, USA where she regularly enjoys taking pictures of the city, going for hikes, tweeting for WNB.rb, or being in front of a computer (presumably working on a Rails app).


Optimizing Active Record Queries by Kattya Cuevas

A very common feature when using Rails for the backend is to give reports of the usage of our application or to feed a dashboard organizing a lot of data. In these situations, we must optimize our queries so that they don’t become the bottleneck of our application.

Kattya Cuevas is Ruby & JS dev, currently working at She's an organizer at Ruby Peru, Tech Talks Peru, and WomenTechmakers as well as an Auth0 Ambassador.

WNB.rb’s goal is to support a more diverse group of people to make significant and meaningful contributions to the Ruby world. It is a monthly meetup with technical talks where the speakers and audience members are all women and non-binary people. We hope to provide a brave space for tenured speakers, first-time speakers and everyone in between to interact in a technical capacity. This community seeks to enable developers to grow their technical skill sets and confidence, further promoting inclusion of women and non-binary folks within the Ruby community. 

What happens during each meetup?  On the last Tuesday of every month at 12pm EDT, we host two speakers to give technical talks on Ruby and the related ecosystem. The talks are be 15 minutes each, with 5 minutes Q&A afterwards. Towards the end of the meetups, we have a few minutes where folks can optionally stay online to chat. The meetups last one hour, and we post recordings of each talk afterwards. This meetup will forever be virtual! 

I’m interested in speaking at a future meetup, how can I do that?   We are so glad! Please send an email to and No need to write anything in depth or fancy. Even if you don’t know what you’d like to talk about or you’re a first time speaker, please reach out and we’ll work with you to put together a talk for a future WNB.rb meetup. 

I don’t identify as woman / non-binary but I’d like to be an ally. How can I best do that?  Thanks for asking! We’ll be sure to post links to all talks to our twitter so you’ll still be able to watch, learn from and share all of our talks. Ways you can be an ally are to continue to advocate for more diverse voices at conferences and other meetups, learn from, elevate, support and/or mentor individuals who add diversity to the space, and share information about this group with anyone who might be interested. 

Do you have a code of conduct?  Yes we do! You can read our code of conduct here.

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