Workflows (Legacy version)

NOTE: Starting June 1, 2023, this version of Workflows located in Launch will no longer be supported. This means Contentful will not be fixing bugs for this version of the feature. To migrate your data to the new version, follow our migration guide.

The new Workflows app is now available through Contentful. If you would like to gain access, you must download the app, which can be installed by an admin or space manager here.

The Workflows feature allows you to create custom workflow states and assign them to your entries. Workflow states help you keep track of stages of your content creation within your environment.

The Workflows page in Launch allows you to view a list of entries and filter them per workflow state. You can also access each entry directly from this list to update its workflow state.

How many workflows can I create?

At present, Launch only supports the creation of a single workflow for each environment and up to 10 workflow states in a workflow.

Also, one content type can only be assigned with one workflow.

Configuring Workflows

To create a workflow:

  1. Go to the Workflows page.

  2. Click Configure.

  3. Add a state to your workflow by  clicking the + icon. The Edit Workflow State window is displayed.

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  4. Enter a name and description for your state, select the desired color label and click Save. A new state is added to your workflow.

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  5. Add more states to your workflow following the instructions in steps 3-4.

  6. Go to the Content types area and select the content types that your workflow will apply to.

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  7. Click Save. Your workflow is saved.

Updating workflow state

In Launch

To change the workflow state for an entry:

  1. In the Release editor page, navigate to the required entry.

  2. Click on the current workflow state of the entry and select the workflow state that you would like to assign. The new workflow state is immediately assigned to your entry.

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In Contentful web app

To change the workflow state for an entry:

  1. In the Contentful web app, navigate to the required entry and open it. The entry editor is displayed.

  2. In the entry editor sidebar, go to the Workflows area.

  3. Click on the current workflow state of the entry and select the workflow state that you would like to assign. The new workflow state is immediately assigned to your entry.

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NOTE: In the Workflows page, the updated workflow state of your entry will also be displayed in the corresponding workflow state tab.

Viewing Workflows

In the Workflows page, you can view the current Workflow states of your entries. You can switch between the workflow states tabs to view entries per state.

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