Link content across multiple spaces

To link content across multiple spaces:

  1. Open the web app and navigate to the "Content model" tab.

    References across spaces the Content model tab
  2. Create a new content type or click on the content type you want to edit.

  3. Click Add field. The "Add new field" window is displayed.

    References across spaces References

  4. Click Reference. The "New reference field" window is displayed.

    References across spaces Select source and type

  5. Under "Source", choose Other space(s) to reference content from another space.

  6. Under "Select type", choose One reference if you want to reference one entry, or Many references if you want to reference multiple entries.

  7. Click Add and configure. The "Remote reference" window is displayed.

    References across spaces Click Add and configure

  8. Under the "Validation" tab, click the Select space drop-down to select the spaces from where you want to reference content.

    select space

    Once you select the space, you can also select the content types.

    select content type dropdown

    NOTE: You can only select up to three spaces; and add up to three different references fields.

  9. Click Confirm to save your reference field.

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