References across spaces in Rich text fields

You can use References across spaces in Rich text fields to link to entries from different spaces in your organization. The linked (referenced) entry is embedded from another space as a block element into the rich text, which allows you to reuse content and ensure consistency. 


You can only reference entries from spaces that are enabled for orchestration. For more information, see Enable spaces for orchestration

You can only reference entries that are allowed to be referenced.

How to allow an entry to reference other entries

To allow an entry to reference other entries:

  1. Open the web app.

  2. Navigate to the “Content model” tab, and select the content type you want to allow to link to other entries in your rich text.

    Cross-space Select content type

  3. On the rich text field you want to allow to reference other entries, click Edit. The field editor is displayed.

    X-space Field editor

  4. In the “Settings” section, under “Allow embedded entries and assets”, select the Entry (different space) option.

    X-space Validation error

    NOTE: To limit access only to specific content types, a validation error occurs.

  5. In the “Validation” section, under “Entry (different space)”, select the space from where you want to reference the content type(s).

    X-space Select space

  6. Select the content type(s) you want to reference.

    X-space references Select content type(s)

  7. Click Confirm. The content type is displayed. 

    X-space references Click Confirm.

  8. Click Save to apply your changes.

How to reference entries from another space 

To reference entries from another space in your rich text:

  1. Open the web app.

  2. Navigate to the “Content” tab and select the entry where you want to include the reference. The entry editor is displayed.

    X-space references Entry editor

  3. Click the + Embed drop-down and select Entry (different space). The “Add existing entry” window is displayed.

    X-space references Entry (different space)

  4. Select the space from which you want to link entries, and the entries you want to include.

    X-space references Add existing entry

    Your entry is added as a block element. 

    X-space references Added block entry

NOTE: You can also copy and paste cross-space entry blocks from any other space in your organization. Make sure the copied entries are allowed in the content type before you publish the updates.

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