White paper

Personalization strategy workbook


What's inside

What's inside

Personalization — it isn’t always easy and it goes beyond knowing someone’s name. It’s evolved far past the <insert name> line in newsletters, and has branched out into targeted content, customized customer journeys and tailored experiences. A successful personalization strategy is critical to delivering engaging digital experiences.​​ But without the right process and tools, it can be difficult to build personalization that actually works. 

With this workbook, you’ll be able to get started on your personalization journey — fast.

Key takeaways:

  • Learn how personalized content leads to better engagement

  • Understand why you need a new playbook for personalization

  • Discover steps to implement intent-based personalization

  • Identify five quick wins to get you started

  • Take steps to build a personalization stack with Contentful and Uniform


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