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Digizuite DAM

App ∙ Developed by Digizuite

About the Digizuite DAM app

Editors can access all approved digital assets using the powerful search and filtering in Digizuite directly within Contentful. They can then bring in images with the perfect size and format with just one click.


  • Searching, browsing, and filtering assets to find exactly what you need
  • Add the perfect rendition of your digital asset to Contentful with just one click
  • See and edit metadata directly from the UI
  • See your collections to easily structure and find assets


To use this app:

  • Already a Digizuite customer? Then reach out to your Account Manager and get access today
  • If not already a Digizuite customer, contact Digizuite to get your instance (https://www.digizuite.com/get-in-touch)


Digizuite Screenshot


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Digital Asset Management
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