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XTM Connect

App ∙ Developed by XTM International

About the XTM Connect app

XTM Connect for Contentful enables localization projects to be created directly from the Contentful interface, speeding up localization processes with automated workflows that push the localized content back into Contentful as soon as it's ready.


  • Support for continuous localization ensures new content is automatically added to localization projects
  • The integrated UI lets you manage all localization projects without having to leave the Contentful interface
  • Finished translation projects are automatically imported to Contentful
  • Easy tracking of translation progress
  • Displayed project workflow steps
  • Multiple target languages support


To use this app, you will need:

  • Access to an XTM account
  • Access to the XTM Connect - Contentful app


XTM International - Screenshot


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Translation and Localization
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