Effective as of 1 March 2021


This Trademark and Brand Usage Policy governs use of Contentful’s brand by external, third-party organizations such as vendors, customers, partners and others. The policy defines the rules and procedures put in place to protect the Contentful brand assets and encompass (1) general information on Contentful’s brand assets and (2) the approval procedure for the use of the Contentful brand assets by other organizations.

Contentful’s brand asset

What is a Contentful brand asset?

Brand Assets are consistent signals that make it easier for customers to recognize and identify the brand and recall the associations related to the customer and the brand. In modern, ever faster changing markets, trademarks provide important orientation and decision-making confidence to customers. 

Contentful’s brand assets include not only Contentful’s registered trademarks, but also in general company name, product names, slogans, logos, icons, iconography, designs, texts, images, videos, blogs, case studies, and articles drafted or created by Contentful. 

Overview of Contentful’s registered trademarks:

A trademark is a word, logo, word/logo combination that distinguishes a trademark holder’s good or service in the marketplace. Trademark law may prevent others from using a trademark in an unauthorized or confusing manner. 

Registered Trademarks

Type of TrademarkTrademark

If you want to report misuse of a Contentful trademark, please contact legal@contentful.com.

Use of Contentful’s brand assets by other organizations

Every third-party use of a Contentful brand asset should be made in alignment with the following principles listed below. 

When are other organizations allowed to use Contentful’s brand assets and what are the procedures?

  • Media

For the purposes of journalistic reporting, Media may use any Contentful brand assets contained in Contentful’s media kit.

  • Customers 

Customers may do the following without receiving specific permission from Contentful:

  • Use Contentful’s wordmark in text to truthfully refer to and/or link to Contentful’s products & services. 

  • Use Contentful’s logos in visuals to truthfully refer to and/or link to Contentful’s products & services in accordance with the Logo Usage Guidelines.

  • Third parties

Third parties may wish to use Contentful's name and/or logo 1) subject to the Terms of Use and 2) prior approval by Contentful.

  • Vendors 

Vendors may wish to use Contentful’s name and/or logo 1) subject to the Terms of Use and 2) prior approval by Contentful.

When are organizations NOT allowed to use Contentful’s brand assets?

  • When it portrays Contentful in a negative light or it depicts the Contentful Mark in a manner that denigrates, disparages, tarnishes or otherwise reflects negatively on the Contentful Mark. 

  • When it has not been approved in writing.

  • If a Contentful logo shall be used in a television or film or video production, please contact legal@contentful.com. 



If your Use Request is approved by Contentful, then the following terms shall apply to your Use of the Contentful Mark. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, you should not submit your Use Request and you should not use the Contentful mark.

"Contentful" in these terms refers to Contentful GmbH, Max-Urich-Straße 3, 13355 Berlin, Germany and its affiliates and subsidiaries.

  1. Grant of License. Contentful on behalf of its affiliates and subsidiaries hereby grants Company a limited, royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Mark for the purposes of displaying the Mark solely as indicated in the Use Request Form. Company will use the Mark without modification. A transfer of the license as well as sublicensing is not permitted.

  2. Use of the Mark. Company agrees that it will not depict the Mark in any manner that would denigrate, disparage, tarnish, present in a false light, or otherwise reflect negatively on the Mark of Contentful. Company agrees to use the Mark only to identify Contentful as a Company customer or business partner. Use of the Mark will not be used to indicate Contenful’s endorsement of Company unless otherwise agreed in writing by Company.

  3. Ownership of the Mark. Company acknowledges that Contentful retains ownership of all intellectual property rights related to the Mark.

  4. Termination. Contentful may revoke their permission to use the Mark at any time by providing written notice to Company. Upon receipt of written notice of termination, Company will discontinue all use of the Mark within thirty (30) days, except as permissible under German law.

  5. Miscellaneous. These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (excluding its conflicts of laws provisions). All disputes arising out of or in relating to these Terms of Use will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts of Berlin, Germany. Nothing in these Terms of Use is intended to confer any benefit, right, or remedy upon any person other than Contentful and Company. If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be unenforceable, that provision will be severed, and the remainder of these Terms of Use will continue in full force and effect. In such a case, the parties will engage to agree an effective and enforceable provision that most closely relates to the purpose of the invalid provision. Contentful may revise these terms from time to time. If Contentful does revise these terms, the revised terms will supersede prior versions. Unless Contenful says otherwise, revisions will be effective upon the effective date indicated at the top of this page. Contentful will provide you advance notice of any material revisions via email. Contentful encourages you to check the effective date of these terms whenever you visit Contentful's webite. Your continued use of Contentful mark constitutes your acceptance of any revisions. If you don't agree to the revisions, you should stop using the Contentful mark. Neither party may assign, delegate, or otherwise transfer its rights under these Terms of Use without the prior written consent of the other party, except that Contentful may assign these Terms of Use to a Contentful affiliate or subsidiary. These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of these Terms of Use and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements, oral or written, relating to the subject matter of these Terms of Use.

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