- About Contentful
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- Basics
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- Billing
- Client libraries
- Content migrations
- Content operations
- Contentful AI functionality
- Environments
- Extensibility
- Legacy spaces
- Managing organizations and spaces
- Personal access tokens
- Rich text
- Search and content organization
- Security and privacy
- Single sign-on (SSO)
- SSO x509 certificate expiration
- Technology and features
- Terminology
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
- Versioning
- Web app
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FAQ / Content migrations
On this page
Does the Migrations CLI support field appearance changes?
Yes, the Migration CLI does support changing field appearance settings. The following operations are possible:
change the appearance to use a specific editor interface
set or change the field help text
set or change the
(only for boolean field type)set or change the number of stars from which to choose (only for number field type with rating appearance)
set or change the format of a date field to show date only, date and time, or date and time with timezone
change a date field to show time as 12 hours with AM/PM or as 24 hours.
reset the field appearance to default settings
copy the field appearance settings from one field to another field.
For specific syntax and more details, seeĀ the Contentful Migration documentation